Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Relevant Catch

Hello everyone. Hopefully you are all fine, resting from our trip and waiting for Santa to come up with a new fly rod or reel.

It was nice to be able to share Patagonia with you. Those that did not make it, I wish you were there and hope to have you along in our next trek.

I am editing a photo collection of the trip that I will send to each of you. For the time being, here are some of the most relevant fish.

Lake Tromen consistently provided the largest fish.

But even the little Huaca Mamuil Creek was generous as can be seen.

It helps if your guide has a camera and an eye for the picture.

The best fish of the trip was probably this Lake Tromen Brown:

However, the most original catch belongs to Israel Carruyo from the second group with this nice, fat rock from the barranca just above The Willows pool...

Hope you all had a great time. Happy holidays!